It is of critical importance that it should be illegal for a white person, especially if single to adopt an African child. It is the pungent revictimization of that African child, that will surely compound the irreparable harm that was already visited upon the child. I am aware that it presents a perfect verisilimitude, but it does not make it morally valid. If a white person has a divine affliction like myself, they should find creative ways to help and not make things worse, just because they don’t understand the evil harm that their group has inflicted upon the African, continues to do insufferably, as it were.

“MCCS-Bullyycee;”A Criminally Evil Entity/Another Atrocious Injustice Visited Upon The (D.D.D.A.O…)

Tacoma Washington, a jury acquitted three Police (Bullyycee) officers, in the 2020 killing; (Emmett Till type Lynching) of 33 year old Manuel Ellis, an unarmed black man; (African “Of” America). The officers; (Criminally Evil Agents of the State), violently arrested; (Savagely Assaulted), and beat him on the side of the road, he died while in handcuffs, telling officers; (Criminally Evil Agents Of The State) “I can’t breathe”. The Pierce County medical examiner ruled the cause of death was homicide due to physical restraint. Following the verdict Thursday, community members took to the streets to demand justice for Manuel Ellis. Organizers and incoming council member Jamika Scott, joined the protest. The savage criminality, gross injustice, and abjectly evil persecution, perpetually continues for the; (D.D.D.A.O…); ” Disdainfully Displaced Diaspora African, Of wherever they were relegated to; around the Globe. Formally, officially, and unassailably festooned in the psyche of humanity, is the manifest reality that they are the; (1619-3/5 Relegated Servile Chattel Serf). This stark reality was confirmed by Roger B. Taney, U.S. chief Justice of the Supreme Court, 1857 Dred Scott case, and Aristotle advocated and support for slavery, I rest my case, or “CHECKMATE.

The African; The Incomparably Superlative Forbearers Of Humanity.

Their Cosmically Integral, and Divinely Propelled Protocol Dictates their;                                 Divine  Maternity, Abject Relegation, Perpetual Persecution, Profound Metastasized Afflictions, Criminally Evil Domination, savage Injustices, Illusory Superiority, ETC. And the EFFICACY of being the VICTIMS of all the above, in the most virulent form. No other group was tasked with this profoundly cumbersome, yet NOBLY ALTRUISTIC conundrum, of which no other group could have survived, or accomplish, it’s the divine hand that was dealt, but for their offspring, the European and their insatiable decorum of ABJECT DOMINANCE and PROFOUND GREED, within the realm of White Supremacy’s CONQUERING EVILS. Also, the savage criminality is profoundly brutal, and unspeakable in its insufferable nature, putting the species at a point of imminent EXISTENTIAL risk, especially considering their profound motto; “we will not negotiate with terrorists,” ignoring the critical origins of terrorism, but ironically they will negotiate and find an off-ramp for ABJECT EVIL, as long as it’s an element of their precious fraternal group. By the incomparably superlative Polymath, and Intellectual Enema; MCCS.

The Evil Core of White Supremacy’s Dominance; The Abject Molecularity of, “Subjugated Serfs”

When there are human beings, or animals suffering at the hands of; savage criminality, and abject evil, if someone or some entity that’s in a position to help, yet asserted, “it’s none of my business”, or just took a passive position, in this era where we are saddled with a toxically fraught lexicon, they would think that their decision to act is irrefutably optional, but in the prudent analysis of things, it’s akin to; (1) they’re criminally anti-altruistic, (2) a criminal abdication of duty, as a divine soul at the expense of their humanity, irrefutably. However, in the case of a leader of the most powerful state in the world, Biden and his fraternal comrades who; expressed, supported, projected, propagated, and atrociously sanctioned, the savage extermination, and criminally evil persecution of the Palestinians, after seizing their homeland, can only be equated with the criminally evil savagery of SLAVERY, at it’s most abject state of existence. That is when, as a species, we’ve reached the most profoundly inept state of our cognitive, and intellectual systems, and an insufferably profuse leakage of our precious humanity, perpetually. It’s not that terrorism by these martyrs is to be overlooked, but the critical factor to reflect on is, the Palestinians reaction is based on; profound suffering, and the toxic and pathological efficacy from such; (a damaged state of mind), as it were.

Criminal Savagery, Abject Evil; Netanyahu, ” A Male” of his Convictions:

God would never create the human family to deviate from the integral core elements, of what makes one essentially a human being, nor would God intend for human beings to possess the ability to; create, fathom, construct, or otherwise establish “Laws”, or there would never have been, the creation and establishment of “Laws”, billions of years prior to the creation of the human family. Yet, in our most virulent state of metastasis, within the realm of the Dunning-Kruger effect, as a species, we pungently exude the illusory audacity to think that we can create “Laws”, calling ourselves; “Lawmakers” when we become parliamentarians, but divine veracity, irreproachably dictates that it is; (Abject Intellectual Spuriousness); merchants of; death, gross injustice, savage violence, massive destruction, and the toxic Annihilation of everything that possess LIFE, yet they sleep like babies, but only during the daylight. And their actions are shrouded in a toxically deceptive verisimilitude of socio-political trinkets, and feudal Masturbation, that has the most profound efficacy on their most indelible; “Subjugated serfs”.

“Reparations”-Psycho-Emotional Trinkets, suitable for; “The 1619-3/5-Relegated Chattel Serf Category.”

By embracing, accepting, and endorsing “Reparations”, as a settlement in the approach to, as criminally savage, and abjectly evil as, (MCCS-Demolsla), ignorantly, and improperly known as; (slavery) was, which is an integral element of (MCCS- Demolsla), that which comprehensively, molecularly, and validly addresses the “African Experience” in proper historical context, in its authentic veracity. But slavery was just a relatively tiny fraction of the phenomenal magnitude of what occurred, and its profound efficacy of indelible afflictions, visited upon the victims of such grotesquely egregious atrocities upon the human family, especially the very ones who’re the forbears of humanity. To dissent, to criticize, or to not understand the reality of type of criminal evil, is preposterously inept, and existentially imprudent, on a pungent level, especially as it relates to the colossal mistake, that it will about. It also lends credence to, or is akin to; toxic, and pathological levels of the Dunning-Kruger effect, as it were.

Another Savagely Evil Lynching by Ohio’s “MCCS-Bullyycee”; To 21yaar old Ta’Klya Young

Aug. 24, 2023, Blendon Township, Ohio’s Bullyycee savagely, criminally, and evilly, Lynched an African “of” America woman who was pregnant,` while she was in her car, simply because she was accused of shoplifting some time earlier, she had two other children at home. She was slew because she belong to the same officially established status; (the 1619-3/5 relegated chattel serf category), that George Floyd and all the other Africans “of” America were disdainfully assigned; formally, officially, and criminally by chief justice Roger B Taney, US supreme court justice-1957 Dred Scott case. There’s no established structure of credible justice that can make those with; power, criminal-privilege, wealth, means, authority, and complete dominance over others, especially those who are the forbears of humanity, properly accountable. But with knowledge, courage, and good mobilization it can be done. This is akin to the savage lynching of George Floyd, Eric Garner, and thousands of Africans “of” America, may God bless them all, and may their souls rest in peace, especially, Emmett Till, a beautiful child. I have a critically important question for all those who are thinkers, why the KKK isn’t a notoriously illegal group? and why, no matter the; volume of evil criminality, the savage executions, ETC. society in all their wisdom and education, still refer to the Bullyycee, as Police? may God bless those who’ve suffered under this savage tyranny of white supremacy.

One Of The Most Classic Exemplification Of America’s Exceptionalism, In “Bullyyceeing”

“Indisputable” DR. Rashad – “Cops arrest Black 10 year old for urinating behind mom’s car.”                                                           The existentially deadly thing is, not even the scholars, and prominently distinguished intellectuals, seemed to know, or understand the irreproachable veracity, or the irrefutably savage reality of the “dominant matrix”, that’s pungently prevalent in societies around the globe, that are ruling over us all with a toxic iron fist, and the only “Pathologically Inept, and Pungently Fraught Lexicon” available to the human family. It is grotesquely ignorant to call them Police, they’re properly referred to as (Bullyycee). The child did not do anything criminal at all, the (Bullyycee) are the one’s who committed a (Super-Crime). The child isn’t a Black child, it is insufferably immoral to be referenced in such a disdainfully improper manner, as a member of the human family. The molecularly proper, and the scientifically moral expression is; “African Of America” (AOA), and not even what is formally, and officially established by those perpetrators of the initial criminally evil atrocities,  and who are profoundly engage in a grotesquely unjust, and a permanently subjugated dominance of the human family. Remember if we’re to go by this toxically fraught lexicon, to which we’re all programmed, we’ve chronically embraced all the criminally evil things our monarchy and rulers, indoctrinated into us all, including “slavery” and “Demolsla”. Tell me if you think I’m crazy, or if I’m wrong, but I think that this is the perfect time when all the countries in the world, should come together and bomb the shit out of Russia. The atrociously criminal, and the abjectly evil invasion, that is officially, and formally called “A WAR”, rather than its molecularly scientific and proper expression; “Savagely Evil Invasion”, is in itself a gross ineptitude in its nature and in its molecular structure. It is also ten times worse than 911, at every; moral, criminal, or philosophical level, I’m saddened to pleasantly afflict you with this “psychological whip-lash”, as it were, please forgive my indulgence, with your eminent grace, thank you.

Socio-Political, Judicial Prostitutes, Shrouded In Prominence.

Anyone who are in the career of; Judge, Lawyer, Attorney General, ETC. , that is actively engage in pursuing a political position, especially in the public media. And further, acting in a manner that is essentially auditioning in a way that’s undignified and servile, is irrefutably engaging in “Socio-Political Prostitution,” and are profoundly afflicted with a toxic level of the Dunning-Kruger effect, in a way that is insufferably immoral. The two most prominently servile, Judicial Prostitutes in question are; MR. Flintstone himself, William Barr, and Alan Dershowitz.                                                                                                                                                       But I have the blessed wisdom to critically discern that having a degree from an Ivy League school, isn’t an education necessarily, but certainly it means that one is trained, and may be in pursuit of becoming intelligent, in an illusory realm, as it were.

The Kevin Spacey Legal Conundrum/A Much lesser Ineptitude & Fraught Than The U.S.A.

The British “Bullyycee”, did what they were supposed to do, the jury came to an altruistically proper conclusion, and so the lawyers made a lot of money. This is a little better exemplification of what is altruistically fair, pertinent to the bigger picture of justice, except that the jury system is insufferably obsolete in its constitution, and in its molecularity. A proper and authentically credible jury of the twenty first century must be structured and established within a particular constitutional molecularity; A masters degree in “Jury Affairs”, and must be paid professionally by the state, with no need to sequester. This will serve to bring humanity much closer to an altruistic balance, and a superlative level of justice, and no longer rely on something that is insufferably fraught with; Neanderthal type “Subjugated Serfs” that corresponds with a particular agenda of the dominant class, that which must be eradicated yesterday. What occurred amounted to poor ethical conduct, and not anything close to criminality. The average person would find it too difficult, to discern matters of this nature. The British seemed to present a certain pungency, in their dignified austere, they’re profoundly aloof from the insufferable exceptionalism of their most powerful fraternal brothers, “they’re a lot more socio-politically clever, in their illusory application of what is subjectively fair and just, as it were.