“Indisputable” DR. Rashad Richey-youtube.com/watch?v=M9o86gUSznM – “Cops arrest Black 10 year old for urinating behind mom’s car.” The existentially deadly thing is, not even the scholars, and prominently distinguished intellectuals, seemed to know, or understand the irreproachable veracity, or the irrefutably savage reality of the “dominant matrix”, that’s pungently prevalent in societies around the globe, that are ruling over us all with a toxic iron fist, and the only “Pathologically Inept, and Pungently Fraught Lexicon” available to the human family. It is grotesquely ignorant to call them Police, they’re properly referred to as (Bullyycee). The child did not do anything criminal at all, the (Bullyycee) are the one’s who committed a (Super-Crime). The child isn’t a Black child, it is insufferably immoral to be referenced in such a disdainfully improper manner, as a member of the human family. The molecularly proper, and the scientifically moral expression is; “African Of America” (AOA), and not even what is formally, and officially established by those perpetrators of the initial criminally evil atrocities, and who are profoundly engage in a grotesquely unjust, and a permanently subjugated dominance of the human family. Remember if we’re to go by this toxically fraught lexicon, to which we’re all programmed, we’ve chronically embraced all the criminally evil things our monarchy and rulers, indoctrinated into us all, including “slavery” and “Demolsla”. Tell me if you think I’m crazy, or if I’m wrong, but I think that this is the perfect time when all the countries in the world, should come together and bomb the shit out of Russia. The atrociously criminal, and the abjectly evil invasion, that is officially, and formally called “A WAR”, rather than its molecularly scientific and proper expression; “Savagely Evil Invasion”, is in itself a gross ineptitude in its nature and in its molecular structure. It is also ten times worse than 911, at every; moral, criminal, or philosophical level, I’m saddened to pleasantly afflict you with this “psychological whip-lash”, as it were, please forgive my indulgence, with your eminent grace, thank you.