By embracing, accepting, and endorsing “Reparations”, as a settlement in the approach to, as criminally savage, and abjectly evil as, (MCCS-Demolsla), ignorantly, and improperly known as; (slavery) was, which is an integral element of (MCCS- Demolsla), that which comprehensively, molecularly, and validly addresses the “African Experience” in proper historical context, in its authentic veracity. But slavery was just a relatively tiny fraction of the phenomenal magnitude of what occurred, and its profound efficacy of indelible afflictions, visited upon the victims of such grotesquely egregious atrocities upon the human family, especially the very ones who’re the forbears of humanity. To dissent, to criticize, or to not understand the reality of type of criminal evil, is preposterously inept, and existentially imprudent, on a pungent level, especially as it relates to the colossal mistake, that it will about. It also lends credence to, or is akin to; toxic, and pathological levels of the Dunning-Kruger effect, as it were.