About the Book
(pronounced as Buleese)
Security Agents of the State
The pungently offensive privileged and the powerful

Greetings from God to the human family. This very didactic, enlightening, philosophically sound, morally prudent and existentially critical text was born out of uniquely profound suffering, yet a divinely dynamic inspiration of wisdom, knowledge, altruism, and a spiritual undertaking, particularly tasked to bring the human family from the evil abyss of a toxically pathological conundrum, that which is not “racism”—this is not a morally credible term—but it is undoubtedly “anti-humanism.” Something can never be made right when its organic and molecular fabric was created out of ignorance, toxicity, and pathology and in a realm of evil composites. And uplifting their precious visceralness to a permanent place of love, respect, and profound altruism. But first we must go through the detoxification from the dark asphyxiation of pungent subjugation and the tyranny of the feudal capitalism, kleptocracy matrix that is corralling all of humanity, obliviously into annihilation.
“Bullyyceeing” is a toxic subsidiary, yet integral part of this reality. Something doesn’t acquire authenticity, credibility and moral soundness, because someone powerful in society said so, an invasion is not a war because someone of power said so, but that is a common structure of things in our global society; it is called “preposterous scrotum.” We should listen to Jane Elliott a lot more often and not glorify insufferable ignorance. You will find in this invaluably divine text a particular verisimilitude of sound moral fortitude that’s of an incomparable caliber in its essence and purpose of conviction and principle. So I challenge, dare, invite all those who’ve suffered, been battered, disenfranchised, subjugated, disrespected and violated physically or by grotesque “pseudo laws” and profound tyranny.
Please join my divine movement to a higher ground for the human family, that God has particularly endowed in my with the resources of knowledge, understanding, wisdom, altruism and moral fortitude of a superlative caliber through the path of autodidactic, polymathic, and a spiritually mystic realm. It was acutely cumbersome, torturing, lonesome, suicidal, homicidal and a unique series of experiences, that which encompassed my dynamically prudent philosophy and spirituality even though I am far from being religious, as a species, when we work together, nothing, oh but nothing, is not accomplishable. Thank you.
Publication Date
May 21, 2022