God would never create the human family to deviate from the integral core elements, of what makes one essentially a human being, nor would God intend for human beings to possess the ability to; create, fathom, construct, or otherwise establish “Laws”, or there would never have been, the creation and establishment of “Laws”, billions of years prior to the creation of the human family. Yet, in our most virulent state of metastasis, within the realm of the Dunning-Kruger effect, as a species, we pungently exude the illusory audacity to think that we can create “Laws”, calling ourselves; “Lawmakers” when we become parliamentarians, but divine veracity, irreproachably dictates that it is; (Abject Intellectual Spuriousness); merchants of; death, gross injustice, savage violence, massive destruction, and the toxic Annihilation of everything that possess LIFE, yet they sleep like babies, but only during the daylight. And their actions are shrouded in a toxically deceptive verisimilitude of socio-political trinkets, and feudal Masturbation, that has the most profound efficacy on their most indelible; “Subjugated serfs”.