Ohio Bullyycee K-9 Deliberately Mauled; 1619-3/5 Relegated Chattel Category.

Chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Roger B. Taney’s exemplification of; “no black man has a right that a white man must respect.” The fact that the cognitive and intellectual systems of the human family are under an acute-siege, does not negate the irrefutable reality about the truth and facts of; history, slavery, Jim Crow, Demolsla, and the “Criminally-Evil structure to which the founding fathers have built America, yet all the; scholars, academics, philosophers, intellectuals, ETC. entertain this pungent illusory notion that the efficacy of this legacy has dissipated, and that the traditional “Slave-Patrol” can automatically morphed, into the altruistically noble “Police”, so critically needed on a; socio-political, and existential level. May be Jordan Peterson’s programming mission is going to prevail, in this toxic and pathological lexicon that we’re all so hopelessly attached to. I am uniquely qualified, and incomparably wise, to guide humanity out of the abyss of; “Visceral-Bondage.”

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