This deadly existential treat, and affliction must be detoxified from the human mind. One of the main efficacies of (TIL) is; the pathologically insufferable affliction level of the Dunning-Kruger effect that is an integral and indelibly toxic part of said Lexicon. Even the best; scholars, intellectuals, academics, and philosophers, are profoundly vulnerable, for example; Roger B. Taney chief justice of the supreme court of America said that “there is no right that a black man have, that a white man must respect”, and Aristotle; advocated, supported, and otherwise sanctioned the institution and the criminally evil of “Slavery.” As Much as I admire, loved, and respected DR. King, when he verbally protested in his civil rights campaign, he was too; needy, undignified, and unaccountably conciliatory in his tone and his delivery. It’s not that he was limited in any way at all, but he failed to understand the profound criminality, and the abject evil, he was dealing with, and which subsequently; George Floyd him, in the most evil and savage manner. The human family can only survive and altruistically flourish if they do two main things; (1), find new and groundbreakingly novel; philosophies, wisdoms, love, unconditional respect, and avid Altruism, (2), do so with profound; prudency, knowledge, understanding, justice, and avid altruism. It is toxically ignorant to not know that it is an act of; profound criminality, and abject evil, to go to someone else’s home, with the express intent to brutally; rob, covet, deceive, slaughter, enslave, visit genocide, and the most savagely evil that can be visited upon an individual or group, to wit; “Demolsla”, this is incomparably worse by a factor of ten, than the Holocaust. It is also a toxic neanderthal of an intellect, to purport such act as “CONQUERING”, it isn’t possible to (CONQUER) human beings, it can only be expressed metaphorically to make a point. But this is why the current lexicon that has besieged all of humanity, is irreproachably in it’s proper category of; (Existentially Toxic), it contributes to all human suffering on earth, in an inextricably profound manner. That’s why Pirates used to be knighted when they; kill, rob, and terrorized on the high seas. I have analytically discovered that what is formally called “Education”, is irreproachably inauthentic. A person with a PHD. or a masters degree, isn’t “educated”, they’re trained, or experts in a particular field. This qualification doesn’t negate the reality that we’re all (indelibly subjugated serfs), it means that our minds are besieged with indoctrination. (Intellectually Illusory Masturbation).