Lamb To The Slaughter/The Chicago Police Investigating Sexual Misconduct With Migrants.

As a migrant, one is; destitute, homeless, and very vulnerable. That means , they’re molecularly in the same category as a child, in terms of its imminent susceptibility, state, or condition. So it is irreproachably an imbecilic crime, to decide on creating and establishing such a; “crime den”, or (a section in the fox’s dwelling for the chickens’ temporary home, simultaneously allowing the fox convenient access, as he wishes). So the molecular principles of; morality, integrity, respect, decency, professionalism, justice, wisdom, and sound altruism; dictates, asserts, and pleads, for proper accountability without the abject criminality of “qualified immunity” compounding the evil, as part of the egregiously vile status quo, and begin a new day in the way we think and function as a species, as it were. So, as part of that new frontier, it’s toxically ignorant to not know that they’re not called “Police”, they’re properly referred to as (Bullyycee), corresponding with their; molecularity, history, origin, function, and established purpose. This is not an opinion, it is scientifically sound, and philosophically prudent. Another critical point is, when a (Bullyycee) commits a crime, it’s properly called, “a super crime” , because of their super- socio-political; power, status quo, authority, criminally qualified immunity, and their vile comportment, towards the communities they savagely besiege, as Neanderthals of prey. A super-crime is worthy of a super-sentence, this is not optional, if the human family is to survive , flourish, and grow.

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