“Bullyycee”; a Criminally Evil Entity./ Christian Glass

Christian Glass, 22 years old. I love you son, my grandson, my brother, my hearth aches for you. On June 11-2022, at about 12:30 am. Christian called 911, because his car got stuck, the Bullyycee arrived and subsequently murdered him. The Clear Creak county in Colorado, gave his parents $19,M. as a settlement. How many thousands of times must such horrifically similar things occur, before my irreproachably sound vindication of what evil exists, is seen to be credible, including the non-optional titled solution to wit; “Altruistic Policing/Community Guardian”. Why do society present such high levels of toxic and pathological elements of the Dunning-Kruger Effect? It is so horrifically insufferable. This can only be possible, and preposterously perpetual, because the whole system is structured and established in a manner so as to purposely correspond with an agenda that purports, advocates, dictates, and otherwise created the constitutional architecture, that was ill-conceived, criminally wicked, and pungently anti-altruistic, in it’s essence, and in it’s very nature. The Bullyycee agreed to give increased training, and to name a park in honor of the youngster. But increasing what is already toxic, and pathological, will only compound the issues for the worse for individuals and for general society, especially those who’re specially targeted. It also vindicates the reality that there’s no scholar or expert who knows or understands this existential conundrum, that’s on a horrific rampage, but if those with; power, wealth, authority, means, and leaders, would have their love ones treated in this way, there would have been a (Privileged-Solving) of this very issue, just like with the COVID-19 issues. Remember, to have to; “Earn Respect”, is nothing more than; “Preposterous Scrotum”, unconditional; LOVE, and RESPECT.

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