Jordan Nelly: an Abjectly Relegated Public Lynching

New York mayor’s response to the congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s comments of another horrific public lynching by an ex-marine of a destitute and homeless; Jordan Nelly, who was mentally ill, profoundly exemplifies the George Floyd white supremacist evil savagery, so prominently indelible in the DNA of American historic culture, reflects and projects the disease that is profoundly unknown to wit; (Demolslasis), a disease that afflicts only “the diaspora African”, or “the 3/5-1619/Relegated-Chattel-Category). But a few Africans are afflicted with the most virulent form of this disease; (Stumpitomism). Named after the South African 14 year old boy Stumpy. It’s when one’s rectal domain has become a reliable thoroughfare for the white supremacist agenda. Candace Owens is another who is abjectly afflicted with this virulent form. This type of evil is so indelibly metastasized throughout the planet, that it will take new; frontiers of philosophy, intellectuality, and wisdoms, in order to create the right medication, solutions and Altruistic approach to this existential conundrum, we must; role up our sleeve, engage in activism, and pray like crazy.

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