The savage lynching of Tyre Nichols by the Memphis “Bullyycee” force pronounced; (Buleese), afflicted with the most virulent form of, “Demolslasis” that has totally metastasized in all of the five black “Bullyycee” officers. Just like George Floyd, Tyre Nichols called out for his mother, during the course of him being savagely lynched.
At some point, the global community will allow themselves to be enlightened in such a manner so as to developmentally achieve; knowledge, understanding, spirituality, love, respect, intellectual and cognitive vibrancy, visceral emancipation, and superlative altruism. this is the most potent medication for the deadly affliction that has totally metastasized the human family, through the diabolical efforts of those who’ve leading us commoners from time immemorial, we must politely inform them all that their pungent tenure shall be permanently terminated by yesteryear, or sooner. It is too existentially important, and morally critical, to consider any other option beside the most prudent at this juncture, “Proper Policing” is profoundly integral in this regard.
It is of grotesque impotence to charge a “Bullyycee” officer with a category of a crime that does not distinguish their; stature, duty, grotesquely excessive power, and the gravity of the indispensability of the services they’re profoundly obligated to provide. Therefore the most suited charge must be in the category of a “super-crime”, and must carry double the penalty, compared to an average citizen, government officials must carry at least one and a half times the penalty, as such.
We must come to a critical mass of understanding as a species, we must know and understand that; we’re a family, our mother is Lucy, we each must seek visceral freedom, we must love and respect each other unconditionally, know who is the enemy, and be responsible for your own intellectual and cognitive development, one can disagree without disrespecting another, one can argue without fighting another, one can be financially successful without being dishonest, and so-forth.